Saturday, March 22, 2014

Step-by-step David Hockney

The best way to shoot a David Hockneyish image(s) is to
use a medium focal length lens 50-100 mm, stand in one place,

use Program mode or set the camera to manual so the exposure does not change and photograph the scene.
You might start at the bottom left - sweep right then move up and sweep left - and continue until the entire object is captured. Be sure to overlap your images.
Shoot about 24-36 images.
Download your images onto your computer or jump drive or….take your card to Wal Mart and have 4x6 prints made.

Once pictures are uploaded:

1-Create a new document in Photoshop (file>new) Make it 10000x10000 pixels. This will give you a very large blank canvas to add your photos to.

2-Next, open your photos in Photoshop. (You may want to only open the ones you think you may actually be using)

3-Use the Move Tool to drag each photo on to the blank canvas. Begin piecing them together as you add them in (keep them as their own layers so you can make adjustments to each image if needed).

4-Once photos are laid-out use the Crop Tool to crop the excess white canvas around artwork (do not crop any of the pictures!)

5-Edit each layer (using Image Adjustments) so that all the photos have good contrast and are all matching in colors. This may take a long time as you will need to do this to all your layers.

6-When you are done print your image!

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